14 October 2016

Lao People's Democratic Republic joined WBPF, ABBF and SEABBF

National Bodybuilding Sports Federation of the Lao People's Democratic Republic received recognition by their Ministry of Education and Sports.

They will participate in the WBPF 8th World Bodybuilding Championships and Electoral Congress in Pattaya, Thailand  this year. Provisional membership has been granted to Lao by WBPF, ABBF and by the South East Asian Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Federation (SEABBF) with immediate effect.

We welcome LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC to our family. We thank Mr. Sugree Supawarikul, President of Thailand Bodybuilding  and Physique Sports Association , WBPF Judges Secretary, ABBF Executive Director and Secretary-General of SEABBF for bringing Lao to our federations.


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